Bolivians Without disAbilities is 2 years old
Category:postsBolivians Without disAbilities is proud to announce that we are just over two years old now. We incorporated in the state of Florida on March 4th 2015, and received our IRS official non-profit status on March 23rd 2015. From a short year in 2015 through the end of 2016 your donations have been able to double the number of disabled Bolivians that we have been able to help. In 2017 we look forward to providing even more prosthetic limbs for low income Bolivian amputees. As we continue to work with our past supporters, expand our reach to new donors and foundation grants, as well as make new associations with other organizations such as Handicap International and International Red Cross.
To see how how many Bolivian lives have been changed based on our support, check out our statistics.